Showing posts with label Cowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cowl. Show all posts

Rhombus Chunky Cowl

Hello my fellow knitters! This week’s design is super quick, super easy and super chic cowl. Knitting a piece with bulky yarn is a really nice way to uplift your mood and motivate yourself as a knitter, because you can make swift progress in no time, and the chunky thread will make any simple pattern...

Claire Inspired Cowl

Hi everyone! I've been fond of the knitted garments that Outlander characters wear for quite a while now and have been told by multiple people to just go for it and make something inspired by them. I know how popular the series is, and after the release of every season my timeline gets flooded...

Wheat Ears Cowl

Hi everyone! It seems that winter this is going to be very cold this year, so we’re all in need of something to keep our heads and necks warm and cozy. This cowl is so cute and very easy to make, I even made a tutorial video that you can follow to knit this pattern. It is a four-round pattern with...

Field at Dawn Cowl

Hello everyone! Cowls are fun to make, They can be made in many shapes to warm your neck and add a touch of elegance to your outfit. This cowl I made with cotton yarn knits up quick and has a lovely pattern design that resembles a field of barley spikes. It is simple and the size can be adjusted...

Honey Chocolate Cowl

Hello everyone! It's very fun making a simple and quick-to-knit project using leftover yarn from previous projects. The challenge is creating a design that uses just what's left without having to go and purchase more of it -because you overshot- which beats the purpose (I'm obviously speaking from experience,...

Parachutes Cowl

A new post and a new Cowl design; the domain that I'm fond of and excel in (in my opinion). I love experimenting with new stitch patterns, and I have many boards in pinterest dedicated to collecting them. From time to time I try incorporating some of these ideas in my designs, for example my Lady...
