Showing posts with label yoke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoke. Show all posts

Claire Inspired Cowl

Hi everyone! I've been fond of the knitted garments that Outlander characters wear for quite a while now and have been told by multiple people to just go for it and make something inspired by them. I know how popular the series is, and after the release of every season my timeline gets flooded...

Candy Corn Sweater (Adult Size)

UPDATE 28-Aug-2021: I forgot to upload the chart for the candy corn pattern when I posted this yesterday. You can find it now at the end of the post. I apologize for the confusion.Hi everyone! Since summer season is technically over in a few days, I can’t wait to start working on new project for fall...

Dragonfly Toddler Dress

For me, one of the most beautiful articles of clothing you can make is the toddler dress; they always fascinate me whenever I browse different boards on Pinterest. I make one for fun every once in a while, though I am a bit hesitant to share them. That is because the dresses I like to make have...
