Showing posts with label Porthole eyelet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Porthole eyelet. Show all posts

Claire Inspired Cowl

Hi everyone! I've been fond of the knitted garments that Outlander characters wear for quite a while now and have been told by multiple people to just go for it and make something inspired by them. I know how popular the series is, and after the release of every season my timeline gets flooded...

Rhombus Weave Shawl

Important notice: This written pattern has been reviewed and updated on August 7th, 2021.Hello knitters! It's getting warmer these days, and summer is knocking at the door, even so, I'm not abandoning my knitting projects any time soon. In fact, I think I can keep myself occupied with knitting all year...

Ruffled Shawlette

Small shawls are nice and easy to wear, whether during day or at night. as the star of your look, or as an accessory and warm piece that doesn't dominate your overall appearance, that is why I like them. hence, I present to you this piece; simple, elegant with gorgeous ruffled edging.This is my second...

Ombre Poncho

Hello and welcome to my first post of the new year! This project has been a long time coming, I started working on this poncho back in fall, but, as usual, I got busy with other stuff, fall turned into winter, and now spring is at the door. Nevertheless, here it is, a poncho the color of autumn leaves....
